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Morfuse script system is an experimental cross-platform game script engine.


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Morfuse is a scripting engine library: it has its own script language. It is a script engine inspired from Ritual’s ÜberTools for Quake III and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (it can parse scripts from the last one). This script engine targets games primarily.





  • Flex and Bison

  • CMake (at least 3.13)

  • A compiler that supports C++17 and has no issue with the standard (clang-12 is the most liked)

Configure and compile


  • Download the latest version of Winflexbison from here: and extract it somewhere

  • (Checkout morfuse and) create a cmake directory inside the project’s directory (can be named anything) and cd into it

  • Configure with CMake, assuming that you have a compiler installed/present in %PATH%:

cmake -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE="<path to winflexbison>\win_flex.exe" -DBISON_EXECUTABLE="<path to winflexbison>\win_bison.exe" -DFLEX_INCLUDE_DIR="<path to winflexbison>\flex_bison\" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..\
  • Build & install:

cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --install . --config Release

Linux (Ubuntu)

  • Install required tools (CMake, clang-12, ninja-build, flex, bison and libfl-dev for Flex):

apt install -y cmake make clang-12 lld-12 ninja-build flex bison libfl-dev
  • (Checkout morfuse and) create a cmake directory inside the project’s directory (can be named anything) and cd into it

  • Configure with CMake:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G Ninja ..\
  • Build and install:

cmake --install . --config Release

Using the library externally

Since it’s CMake and cross-platform, you can use it with your CMake project! Just define morfuse_DIR to the path of the installed library and call find_package(morfuse). The include directory will be set in morfuse_INCLUDE_DIR

Example code

#include <morfuse/Script/Context.h>
#include <morfuse/Common/membuf.h>

#include <iostream>

const char sampleScript[] =
"local.string = \"Hello, world!\"\n"
"println local.string\n"

int main()
	// This example only cover the execution of script

	mfuse::ScriptContext context;
	// Set the stream to use for 'Output'.
	// The script above will call println which will use the 'Output' level
	context.GetOutputInfo().SetOutputStream(mfuse::outputLevel_e::Output, &std::cout);

	mfuse::ScriptMaster& director = context.GetDirector();

	// Instantiate a memory buffer stream (implementation of std::istream)
	// It will be used to read and parse the script from a memory buffer.
	mfuse::imemstream membuf(sampleScript, sizeof(sampleScript));

	// This will parse and compile the script into a program buffer (opcodes) that the interpreter will execute
	// The parser will read the script using the buffer above
	const mfuse::ProgramScript* const script = director.GetProgramScript("example", membuf);

	// This will create a thread that will execute the ProgramScript instance above
	// labels define the position at which threads will start
	// If no label is specified (second parameter), the thread starts at position 0 by default
	// If the thread has finished executing, then this method will return null, otherwise, in the case of a wait, it will return an object of the thread

	// Output:
	// Hello, world!

	return 0;

There is no real documentation yet but it would be nice to have one. Feel free to contribute if you’re interested in this script engine!

General features

Those are obvious but still worth mentioning:

  • Cross-platform (Linux, Windows, x86, x64, ARM, PowerPC, etc…​)

  • Ability to create classes and methods to be used by scripts

  • Pausable/Resumable threads

  • Dynamic variables

  • Script can be executed with parameters through C code, C code can easily retrieve return values from thread

  • Target list, something like $entity_name.some_var = 1