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Seven segment font for embedded-graphics


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CI embedded-graphics on Matrix

eg-seven-segment is a seven-segment display text renderer for use with embedded-graphics. It can be used to display virtual seven-segment displays on any embedded-graphics DrawTarget. The appearance of the drawn digits can be configured to achieve a wide variety of styles.

eg-seven-segment example


The most convenient way to use this crate is by using the SevenSegmentStyle as a character style for an embedded-graphics Text:

use embedded_graphics::{prelude::*, text::Text, pixelcolor::Rgb888};
use eg_seven_segment::SevenSegmentStyleBuilder;

// Define a new style.
let style = SevenSegmentStyleBuilder::new()
    .digit_size(Size::new(10, 20)) // digits are 10x20 pixels
    .digit_spacing(5)              // 5px spacing between digits
    .segment_width(5)              // 5px wide segments
    .segment_color(Rgb888::GREEN)  // active segments are green

// Use the style to draw text to a embedded-graphics `DrawTarget`.
Text::new("12:42", Point::new(5, 25), style).draw(&mut display)?;

Individual digits can also be drawn by using the Digit drawable:

use embedded_graphics::{prelude::*, text::Text, pixelcolor::Rgb888};
use eg_seven_segment::{SevenSegmentStyleBuilder, Digit, Segments};

// Define a new style.
let style = SevenSegmentStyleBuilder::new()
    .digit_size(Size::new(10, 20)) // digits are 10x20 pixels
    .digit_spacing(5)              // 5px spacing between digits
    .segment_width(5)              // 5px wide segments
    .segment_color(Rgb888::GREEN)  // active segments are green

// Draw digit with active segment A at the origin.
let next = Digit::new(Segments::A, Point::zero())
    .draw(&mut display)?;

// Draw `0` digit the the right of the previous digit.
Digit::new('0'.try_into().unwrap(), next)
    .draw(&mut display)?;


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